Robert Chapman Bio

Robert Chapman’s journey with prostate cancer started in August of 2021 when the doctors found elevated PSA levels after he had fallen off a bike. The journey progressed very quickly being referred to a specialist  thereafter that being sent for a biopsy, shortly after that surgery to remove his prostate then a year later 32 rounds of radiation in January and February of 2023 as PSA levels had begun to creep up again. Hopefully, that brings the cancer to abeyance.


Robert was born in England and immigrated to Canada in 1981. Starting in the Grain industry same year where he is fortunate enough to still work. Have lived in both Alberta and Saskatchewan, Tracy and Robert currently reside in Swift Current and have two boys along with two grandsons.



If cancer has taught Robert anything it’s certainly not to take life for granted and understand that we need to help each other as we battle this disease. Not to mention having two sons and two grandsons, prostate cancer is now very much part of his family life.