PCS Regina’s January 9th, 2025 Meeting.

Join other Prostate Cancer Support Regina (PCSR) members in our hybrid in-person OR Zoom support group meeting.

Yes, you can attend in person or join by Zoom.

Our hybrid in-person and Zoom meeting is from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency located at 141-4545 Parliament Avenue in Regina.

We can still be reached through any one of the following options:

– Email us at info@pccnregina.ca

– Check a copy of our newsletter for the list of phone numbers for Board members

Board members are just a phone call away for those needing to speak to someone one-on-one who has firsthand experience navigating their prostate cancer diagnosis, treatment, and symptoms. We may be able to connect you to a member who has undergone specific therapies or treatments if you want to chat about side effects or the specific treatment process.

PCCN-Regina has been rebranded as PROSTATE CANCER SUPPORT REGINA under the Prostate Cancer Support Canada banner sponsored by The Prostate Cancer Foundation of BC.

Killing Klingons: Surviving Year
One of a Partner’s Prostate Cancer Journey
Myra Froc Partner of Prostate Cancer Survivor.




 Myra will describe the ups and downs of the first year after her partner’s prostate cancer diagnosis in 2023 and her reflections on what she felt, how she coped and what she learned on the first leg of the cancer journey until the end of 2024. She will end with the key takeaways of surviving a diagnosis, finding information and rare prostate cancer treatments and protocols.

Our Team

James Froh

James Froh is a retired public servant, graduate student and Métis Nation citizen. For 40 years he worked in church, community and government organizations bridging Indigenous and non-Indigenous worlds…

Moses Kanhai

Moses Kanhai joined the Board of Prostate Cancer Support Regina in June 2023. Moses is retired after a career of more than 40 years in corporate communication…

Peter Braun

Peter Braun was diagnosed with Stage 1 (Gleason 6) prostate cancer in July 2020, following a biopsy as a result of elevated PSA levels. Peter currently is in the active surveillance program monitored by the…

Our Goals

– To provide individual support and up-to-date, well-researched medical information from authorized sources; to assist individuals with prostate cancer and their families to cope with and understand the nature of prostate cancer.
– Share experiences and promote empathy among survivors.

– Promote awareness of prostate cancer and associated issues; as well as early diagnosis and treatment.

– Promote public education, outreach, and support through integrity, dignity, and understanding.

– Encourage a greater sense of partnering with our medical practitioners, and attaining empowerment through knowledge and information.